Carver County CDA Receives Awards for Collaborative Partnerships

15 Jan 2025
Access to housing is a national crisis, and organizations nationwide strive to deliver successful solutions for their communities. Carver County (MN) Community Development Agency (CDA) seeks to provide affordable housing opportunities for residents while fostering economic and community development opportunities. The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) recognized the organization for its effort in that pursuit with two Awards of Merit in 2024 in the Excellence/Small Agency category.
Awards of Meri
NAHRO created its Awards of Merits program to bring attention to the innovative programs and creative agencies that have improved the lives of the people in the communities they serve. This year, it awarded 177 Awards of Merits to 80 public housing and redevelopment agencies across the country. All are connected by a drive to serve their communities through programs impacting housing for any in need, whether they be young families or seniors. Other recognized programs typically center on job opportunities, health and education services, customer service and access to critical resources.
Beyond New Beginnings
One award was for the partnership between the CarverCounty CDA and Beyond New Beginnings, a supportive housing program for young moms and children. The two groups collaborated on an apartment building in downtown Chaska apartment building, owned by the CDA, populating the four two-bedroom units to full capacity in 2021. With housing concerns removed from the equation, the families could focus on Beyond New Beginning’s programming, allowing mothers to complete their high school diploma, attend post-secondary education or pursue full-time employment.
Southern Valley Alliance
The other award-winning collaboration was a partnership between the CDA and Southern Valley Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence and their families with support, referrals, protection and advocacy in Minnesota’s Carver and Scott counties. The Alliance focuses on prevention and solutions by working with law enforcement, county legal systems, social services and healthcare providers to support and empower victims, survivors and families. Their 24-hour Crisis Line is available through and (952) 873-4214.
The partnership involved providing immediate safety and transitional housing options for victims of domestic violence and their children, putting them on the path to independent housing.
Here to help
The Carver County CDA is grateful for the opportunity to serve its community in its role in providing affordable housing opportunities and other development services. Visit the Carver County CDA website for information on resources and services, or contact our staff to learn how we can help. Additionally, please see our Choose Carver County website to understand life in the region today.
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