Getting assistance to those who need it!

The Carver County CDA offers connections to a variety of resources aimed at helping small businesses and entrepreneurs. Review this list to find those applicable to you and read more about several popular options below.

List Cards


NextStage is a nonprofit organization whose missions is to support entrepreneurs  at every stage. NextStage business advisors provide individual and small group consulting for Carver County entrepreneurs at every stage of business development.

NextStage consultants work with entrepreneurs and businesses to train, launch and grow businesses through a tailored solution.  The services are available free of charge to all Carver County residents and businesses.

For more information on their website or to schedule an appointment, email Lee Hall or call (952) 921-2381.

CEO Next Business Institute

The CEO Next Business Institute is a nine-month program (generally October-June) geared towards CEOs of second-stage companies to help sustain their company’s growth. The Carver County CDA covers the cost of a business’ participation in the program.

Businesses participate in three areas:  

  1. Peer learning 
    • CEOs participate in eight half-day roundtables led by an experienced facilitator. This confidential forum allows sharing of challenges and experiences with a small group of non-competing businesses.
  2. Forums
    • Once a month, guest speakers share their business experiences on various topics in a large group setting, followed by a Q&A session.
  3. Research
    • Participating businesses receive approximately 40-50 hours of advanced research from national research experts on topics of the company’s choosing.

Eligible business requirements include:

  • Privately held
  • 10-99 employees
  • Annual revenue between $1M and $50M
  • Ready to transition from small to large—part start-up, but not yet mature
  • Appetite and aptitude for growth

Contact the Community and Economic Development department (952-556-2778 or for further information.