Community Action Partnership of Scott Carver & Dakota Counties

(For single adults age 26+ and families age 18+)
738 1st Ave East
Shakopee, MN 55379
Numerous resources and services are available in Carver County to get individuals and families of all ages on the path to safe, quality housing, insurance and more.
Click Here to download the Carver County Family Resource Guide (2020)
Carver County has several programs to assist adults and families in need. The information in the Carver County Family Resource Guide includes providers who accept Medical Assistance and offer sliding fees for uninsured or underinsured people.
Carver County is fortunate to be served by several organizations focused on helping those who need housing to find it. Often, the first step for these organizations to be effective is completing a Housing Assessment.
(For single adults age 26+ and families age 18+)
738 1st Ave East
Shakopee, MN 55379
HMIS is a database utilized by agencies to offer a wide range of homeless interventions, including emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, homelessness prevention, and more. Carver County Health and Human Services can make referrals to a Housing Trust Fund program through the HMIS Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry Priority List. The Housing Trust Fund assists homeless or near homeless people with disabilities to gain entry to housing and to achieve residential, economic, and emotional stability.
HOME Line provides free, confidential and low-cost legal, organizing, education and advocacy services for Minnesota tenants to address their rental housing problems. For more information, visit HOME Line or call: