Removing hurdles to access housing possibilities!
Carver County CDA staff can assist with connection to available housing, resources and services. View the Subsidized Housing List for Carver County here (PDF or Word ). Call (952) 448-7715 to get more information on the below programs or more.
List Cards
Carver County Health and Human Services
Staff at Carver County Health and Human Services can help direct individuals and families to necessary resources through various programs. For more information on the programs below and more, contact Carver County Health and Human Services or call (952) 361-6000.
Bridges and Bridges Regional Treatment Center
The Bridges Program serves low-income individuals with mental illness to provide them with supportive resources and housing assistance. The temporary rental subsidy is intended to bridge the housing gap between existing treatment centers, institutional facilities, and homelessness to permanent affordable housing. Program participants contribute between 30-40% of their income toward rent. The remaining portion of their rent is paid through a grant funded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency.
The Carver County CDA obtains referrals from Carver County Health and Human Services for this program.
Permanent Supportive Housing
The Permanent Supportive Housing program provides rent assistance for homeless and disabled individuals. Participants can also receive support services in partnership with Carver County Health and Human Services.
Housing Trust Fund
The Housing Trust Fund assists homeless or near homeless people with disabilities to gain entry to housing and achieve residential, economic, and emotional stability. Program participants pay 30 percent of their household income towards rent and the HTF subsidy covers the balance of the rent payable to the landlord. Applicants work toward successful independent living while on this temporary program until a more permanent rental subsidy becomes available.
Referrals for the Housing Trust Fund program are made through the Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry Priority List.
Metro HRA Rental Assistance
Metro HRA administers the Housing Choice Voucher program for Carver County. The Housing Choice Voucher program uses the existing private rental market and provides payments to private landlords on behalf of low-income renters. Participating property owners are guaranteed a stable source of rental income.
Families may rent any type of housing in the Metro HRA service area from participating property owners. Eligible households pay 30% to 40% of their incomes for rent, and Metro HRA pays the remainder within established rent guidelines.
Apply online or call (651) 602-1880.
Rights and Responsibilities
Copies of the Minnesota Landlords and Tenants Rights and Responsibilities are available via the MN Attorney General website. You can also write or call their office directly:
Minnesota Attorney General’s Office
1400 Bremer Tower
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 296-3353 or toll-free (800) 657-3787
TTY: (651) 297 7206 or (800) 366 4812