Find Homeownership & Land Trust Success in Carver County!

Find Homeownership & Land Trust Success in Carver County! Main Photo

26 Jul 2024

The Carver County Community Development Agency (CDA) knows education is critical to successful homeownership. The HomeStretch program is an eight-hour homebuyer education course. The successful completion of this program is often required to qualify for many down payment assistance programs and other unique mortgage loan opportunities.

Homebuyer Education Leads to Success in Carver County!

FrameWork is a self-guided online source that educates people on becoming successful home or land owners in Carver County. The Minnesota Homeownership Center is an excellent directory for upcoming in-person and virtual homebuyer education workshops. Visitors to the website can quickly search through the center’s online calendar for counseling service events. Click here to learn more about the CDA and how its staff can help you find the perfect home or land trust for your needs!