Suggested options for accessibility products and features
Internet Browsers
Additional Accessibility Resources
- Turn on Accessibility for Web Browers
- Text-to-Speech for Web Browsers
- Apple’s VoiceOver tells you what’s on your screen, and walks you through actions
- Apple Accessibility Tools
- Windows Accessibility Tools
- Windows Narrator is a screen reader that reads texts on the screen aloud and describes events so you can use your PC without a display
- Windows Magnifier is not a text-to-speech screen reader but allows visually impaired users to magnify specific parts of the screen. Check your site for visibility with Magnifier
- WebbIE works on Windows machines and incorporates browsing, screen reading, RSS, Podcatcher, and other tools
- Thunder award-winning free screenreader talking software on Windows machines for people with little or no sight
If you experience difficulty with accessibility for any of our files, please contact the Carver County CDA.